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For most if not all of the Prussian Army's history, the line infantry and grenadiers were the pride of the Prussian Army and Kingdom, usually overshadowing the artillery, cavalry, and skirmishing elements of the Army in the 18th and early 19th centuries. In fact, artillery and cavalry were little more than support for the infantry, as shown by their training which demonstrated much focus on the infantry. The same occurred for the skirmishers once they were more properly set up.

The line infantry and grenadiers' efficiency and performance in the battle can be largely attributed to the Prussian Army's extreme and draconic levels of discipline and obedience instilled onto it's soldiers. Officers and NCOs would ensure that soldiers remained obedient through harsh punishments and threats and make them function almost like robots, transforming them into an "instrument of single mind and will". There was even a term created to describe the insane obedience called "Kadavergehorsam"; literally "Cadavar/Carcass obedience".

This all changed throughout 1807-1812, as the line infantry and grenadiers were modernized and reformed from a showy and antiquated group of units to a modernized and well-organized army that was well-trained, clothed, and armed, even considered brave. They helped effectively fight the French from 1813-1815 and helped pave the way for the Prussian Army's dominance.

8. Infanterie Regiment "Leib"[]

8. Infanterie Regiment - Translated as 8th Infantry Regiment "Life". They have Prussian blue button-up coats with dark red facings and grey trousers. Officers wear blue red-lined flat caps.

13. Infanterie Regiment "1. Westfalen"[]

13. Infanterie Regiment - Translated as 13th Infantry Regiment "1st Westphalia". They have Prussian blue button-up coats with yellow facings and grey trousers.

18. Infanterie Regiment "3. Westpreussen"[]

18. Infanterie Reigment - Translated as 18th Infantry Regiment "3rd West Prussia". They have Prussian blue button-up coats with pink facings and grey trousers.

23. Infanterie Regiment "2. Oberschlesien"[]

23. Infanterie Regiment - Translated as 23rd Infantry Regiment "2nd Upper Silesia". They have pearl-grey coats with dark red facings and tan trousers. Officers wear Prussian blue coats instead.

30. Infanterie Regiment "Russisch-Deutsche Legion"[]

30. Infanterie Regiment - Translated as 30th Infantry Regiment "Russo-German Legion". They have dark green button-up coats with dark red facings and white trousers. Unlike the other regiments, this regiment wears Russian kiver shakos.

The legion was in Russian service for most of the war. By the Battle of Waterloo, the two infantry brigades had been integrated into the Prussian Army as the 30th and 31st Infanterie Regiments respectively.

1. Ostpreussischen Grenadier Bataillon "Kronprinz"[]

1. Ostpreussischen Grenadier Bataillon "Kronprinz" - Translates as 1st East Prussian Grenadier Battalion "Crown Prince". They have Prussian blue button-up coats with dark red facings and grey trousers. Their shako includes a golden Prussian eagle with large black plumes on top.

1. Garde Regiment zu Fuss[]

Garde Regiment zu Fuss - Translated as 1st Foot Guard Regiment. They have Prussian-blue button-up coats with dark red facings and white trousers. They have litzen on their collars and their shako includes an 'Order of the Black Eagle' medal with large white plumes on top. Musicians have red plumes, and officers wear aiguilettes over the shoulder.
